03 9464 0211

294 Settlement Road, Thomastown. (Cnr Northgate Drive)

Well, it's a new financial year, so

Happy tax return!

You know how sometimes you clean out the garage, or the shed, or the back room, and you find all sorts of stuff you didn't really know you had?

Yeah, well same thing happens around here when we do stock take...

So check back here regularly this month as we list
some of the stuff we've found at stoopid clearance prices.

Like this:

... more to come as we sort through it.

If you like the look of it come in and grab it
(no 2nd chances at these prices)





Stocking all the big brands, with 100% customer service
Take a look at some of our supplier's offers in their catalogues:
(Click on the pics to go to the on line catalogues,
or pop into the store and grab a hard copy! )


See you soon!

294 Settlement Road, Thomastown
Ph: 9464 0211

Regular Hours
Monday to Friday 8am-4:30pm,
Saturday 8am-1pm

United ToolsThomastown, The only place to shop...